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We Are a

Health Consulting and Healing Practice

Our team address  people with chronic illnesses, professionals and individuals dealing with stress, patients with “normal” everyday discomfort, and healthcare workers. We help with physical and stress management, especially for those in the front line during this pandemic.

Let Us Help You Achieve Good Health

Discover healing and improve your well-being with the help of CHIme Health.  Read on to learn more about the services that we offer.

CHIme Health

CHIme is a healing modality that utilizes dialogue and movement to reestablish balance to the body. At CHIme Health, we provide services to individuals who wish to achieve overall health.  CHIme has introduced a  technique know as

SomaLinguistic Interaction. 

It is a diagnostic and healing method that creates a spatial framework through specialized movements and dialogue wherein thought patterns become identifiable to current self state (what makes us who we are at this time). The desired health outcome is related to the  individual's  change in linguistics and movement behavior that now encompasses and extends beyond the current self state, a new awareness of the self is born, a new movement potential and way of being is realized.

A change in  thought will affect movement and body energy,  breaking free of patterned responses and illnesses.

We offer specialized services in the areas of:

Chronic Illness – a long-term illness that requires an adjustment in one’s lifestyle. It can expose our belief systems and thought processes, which are woven into the illness itself.

Professional Stress – affects the overall well-being of the employee as well as the productivity of the organization. This may be due to the responsibilities, conditions, environment, or other pressures in the workplace. Exploring how our bodies respond to environmental stress is key to mapping out a path to recovery and prevent chronic illness.

Trauma – working with the emotional response to a terrible event in one’s life, like an accident, sexual abuse, or natural disaster. When trauma occurs, the mind separates from the body to deal with the event. Trauma disrupts the communication between the body and the mind. CHIme Health works to reestablish this connection and restore the individual’s health.

What to expect in a CHIme Session? 

A typical CHIme session begins with a question-and-answer period. This allows us to see, connect, and establish the energy workspace for the session.

We then practice breathing exercises to ground and stabilize the energy so healing can begin.

After that, we practice gentle, integrative movement to connect the body and mind. It is a SomaLinguistics (body-speech) interaction or dance that helps identify the illness or issue and works to re-establish health and the flow of energy throughout the body.

A session can have all three of these components in succession, or it may simply be one; it depends on what is needed at the moment.

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